Welcome to the Frederik Meijer Office of Fellowships

我们的使命宣言:弗雷德里克·梅杰奖学金办公室, 位于本科生学者博天堂官方(CUSE)内, provides support for undergraduates, graduate students, 和GVSU校友在所有专业或研究领域寻求具有国际/国内竞争力的奖学金. 我们支持的许多奖项专门针对高等教育中代表性不足的学生. 我们欢迎校友,并经常与校友申请者合作.

Our office is here to:

  • 与合格的学生和校友一起确定最适合他们目标的奖项
  • 帮助学生制定长期目标的行动计划(鼓励他们参与海外学习), pursue second language acquisition, engage in sustained, effective volunteer service, take on leadership roles, engage in undergraduate research, and more)
  • 帮助奖学金申请人浏览申请过程,以产生最具竞争力的提案
  • 对申请论文的草稿提供密集的建议和反馈



Kobe Wright '24

Kobe Wright '24 Freeman-Asia recipient studying in Japan.

Kobe Wright '24 (Film and Video). 神户于2023年秋季获得自由亚洲奖学金赴日本留学. In the course of this semester, 在学习日语的过程中,神户的自信心和跨文化交际能力得到了提升, immersed himself in his host culture, 结交了新的朋友,并为他的艺术生涯找到了灵感.

The Freeman-ASIA program is designed to support U.S.有经济需要并计划到东亚或东南亚留学的美国本科生. 


Fulbright U.S. Student Program Overview: World Regions (Webinar)

July 2, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

As applicants select their award, either English Teaching Assistantship or Study/Research, they also must choose a host country or location. 除了审查一般要求的...


July 7, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

你应该已经准备好申请富布赖特奖学金、马歇尔奖学金和/或罗德奖学金的论文了! The internal GVSU deadline is August 16. It's not too late for feedback and guidance! If...

Knight-Hennessy Scholars Virtual Information Session

July 8, 2024 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Overview In this session, 一名博天堂官方官向您介绍奈特-轩尼诗奖学金的概况, the admission process, and the application via Zoom. 会议包括演讲和奈特-轩尼诗...


July 9, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

这是“你的未来与富布赖特”系列的最后一次网络研讨会,我们将邀请具有西班牙/拉丁裔背景的富布赖特校友. We'll have the opportunity to hear about their...


July 10, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

加入国际事务专业学院协会(APSIA),参加一个博天堂官方网页申请研究生院最佳实践的介绍性网络研讨会. In this monthly series, APSIA’s...

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Upcoming Deadlines

Christianson Fellowship

July 15, 2024 All Day

InterExchange Foundation Christianson Fellowship最高奖励10美元,为那些热衷于帮助海外社区繁荣发展并渴望了解当地文化的美国年轻人提供6000万美元....

TEACH Fellowship in Taiwan Deadline

July 31, 2024 All Day

国际教育学会(IIE)、台湾国际文化教育交流协会(AICEE), Taiwan) are looking for outstanding certified/licensed...


August 1, 2024 All Day

Changing lives the world over 和平队为积极的变革者提供了一个服务机会,让他们融入海外社区, working side by side with local leaders to tackle the...

Marshall Fellowship Internal Deadline

August 16, 2024 All Day

马歇尔奖学金资助有能力的美国年轻人到英国攻读学位. 每年有多达50名学者被选中在英国机构进行研究生阶段的学习...


August 16, 2024 All Day

***如果你有兴趣申请罗德, contact the Fellowships Office as soon as possible.** 请在你打算申请的那一年的五月底之前通知我们...

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GVNext News

Junior Nancy Hoogwerf poses for a portrait.

Student named as Truman Scholarship Finalist

政治学专业大三学生南希·胡沃夫(Nancy Hoogwerf)担任实习生 in the office of U.S. Rep. Hillary Scholten in the fall.

Mar 19, 2024


Graduate raising funds for victims of Turkey earthquake

对刚毕业的大学生来说,梦想中的土耳其之旅成了一段痛苦的经历 并促使她和朋友们组织了一次筹款活动 为地震幸存者募捐的活动.

Mar 16, 2023

Study Abroad brochure

Students receive Gilman Scholarships to study abroad

全国近3000名本科生被选中 receive a Gilman International Scholarship. Gilman Scholars will study or intern in 91 countries through April 2023.

May 10, 2022

Katie Hoffswell poses for a photo.


Katie Hoffswell是学院学生事务处的一名研究生 领导力项目,明年秋天将在土耳其教英语, thanks to her Fulbright Award.

Apr 27, 2022

Junior Georgia Sands works in her lab on research.


小乔治娅·桑兹成为2019年以来的第四位大峡谷学生 to receive the competitive Goldwater Scholarship.

Apr 5, 2022

Faculty members Cáel M. Keegan and Bopi Biddanda


The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program encourages academic collaboration between U.S. faculty and international colleagues.

Mar 24, 2022

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Page last modified May 24, 2024